Zhu Zhu Pets Wiki
ZZB Pet Nanners
Gender Female
Type of Animal Hamster
Birthmark ZZB Birthmark White Nanners
Birthday December 20
Series Second

Nanners is a Zhu Zhu baby. She is part of the second season of babies.


From Zhuniverse.com:

Nanners will never sit still while the sun is out and the weather’s warm! This lively little gal loves taking a dip in the baby pool, speeding around the merry-go-round, snacking on a tasty snow cone, or riding her tricycle on the trail. She's often seen nibbling on bananas, which is her favorite food and the reason for her name!


Nanners is a yellow baby. Most of her body is yellow. Her paws are yellow and her ears are yellow. She also has a lighter yellow spot around her right eye and she has a pink diaper which houses her birthmark. She also comes with a blanket, a spoon, a baby bottle, and a bunny-like toy.
